2 articles Tag 2013

Here comes the 2013 resolutions…

Here comes the 2013 resolutions…

I know some people just don’t do new year’s resolutions. “Why make a list when you’re not going to keep it anyway?” And I know what they mean. For example, I’ve been telling myself that I want to live healthier for years now… That is: do some exercise, eat more vegetables and have a healthy sleep pattern. I’ve probably achieved the latter by now – after having this resolution year after year for the last …

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Let’s start planning for 2013

Let’s start planning for 2013

One thing I love about the new year is that I can plan for things afresh. It’s as if I could give my life a fresh start and everything is going to be different (at least it feelsĀ that way.) The most exciting thing about the new year is having to use a new diary planner. I have been contemplating if I should go paperless this year, but when my awesome friend bought me a Kikki.K …

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