2 articles Tag passion

Sir Tim Berners-Lee still passionate about the web he weaved

Sir Tim Berners-Lee still passionate about the web he weaved

Imagine if you have the power to create something that can change the world. What will you create? What difference will it make? Be creative. One man thought of creating a world where everything is open and connected. One man thought of creating the web. So let’s talk about this man. Tim Berners-Lee. The creator of the world wide web. Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. He leads the World Wide Web Consortium …

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Reflection 2012: Oh how things have changed…

Reflection 2012: Oh how things have changed…

This is not a specific 2012 reflection per say. More so, this is a reflection on the life that I have lived thus far… Although of course, the focus is on 2012. The inevitables You know, when I was young, I hated changes. I hated adapting to new environments. I didn’t like doing things that’s out of my usual routine. Basically, I liked things to stay the way they are. But we all know that …

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