2 articles Tag toy

Photo journal: Prehistoric dinosaur fights with modern girl

Photo journal: Prehistoric dinosaur fights with modern girl

I promised myself to take more photos and blog more often this year. You know what that means? More blogs about the random photos I took, of course! Apart from being a wedding and event photographer, I do love taking snapshots of my everyday life or of the weird quirky things that are happening around me (whether staged or not). The first one is about a fight between the prehistoric Dino & a modern Girl. …

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Cute Matryoshka Russian wooden nesting dolls for you to go ooh-aah!

Cute Matryoshka Russian wooden nesting dolls for you to go ooh-aah!

Okay, have you heard of the Matryoshka dolls? You know, that wooden doll that opens up to a smaller version of that doll that opens up to an even smaller version… Some of you might call them “Babushka”, or simply Russian wooden nesting dolls if you prefer the boring sounding stuff. But supposedly Babushka just means old granny, which is a bit odd. PS: I just found out when doing research on this post, like, …

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