Luke Sawyers, CEO of PWC

Graduation is usually an exciting time in someone’s life. It’s like you’ve completed a huge milestone and you’re ready for the next phase of life. But are you?

As I was archiving some of my notes on the iPhone (it’s that time of the year), I stumbled upon a commencement speech during one of my friend’s graduation in Monash this year. And yes, I was just there as a guest but I took notes because I like stuff like these haha.

The CEO of PWC Australia, Luke Sayers, shared some of the guiding principles that will lead to a successful and fulfilling career in June this year. There are five particular quotes that stood out for me and got me thinking; lessons in life that each of us (not just recent graduates) can live by…

Lesson #1: The key to success is to have “tenacity and the ability to follow through.”

Lesson #2: “Not everyone has the same interest and goals in life.” And that’s okay.

Lesson #3: Three guiding principles that leads to a successful and fulfilling career:

  • Understanding who you are and the values that actually drive you. Ask yourself: what really motivates you? And what differentiates you from your peers? Play to your values and strengths.
  • Staying flexible and building an agile mindset. Don’t box yourself in to any career and skill set. It’s important to stay open to new ideas and be willing to change and challenge yourself in a world that is changing faster than ever before. Try and instil in yourself a philosophy of continuous learning. Start your own business. It doesn’t matter if you succeed or not. Making mistakes, picking yourself up, and starting again build resilience and wisdom.
  • Don’t panic. Do not worry if you haven’t mapped out your entire life plan. There is a time in life for stability and a time for risk. It’s okay to take some risks and get it wrong occasionally.

Lesson #4: “No matter what you’re doing, if it fits with your values, you’re learning, having fun, and being challenged… You’ll benefit.”

Lesson #5: “Above all, never become a victim to your choice. Have the courage to change.”

Wise words.

For many of the students in that room that night, they might not have been in the working field yet; they might not have realised that once you finished your formal education, things are going to get a little less obvious in life. This can be a struggle for many… I know this because I have been in that situation; I know this because I have been volunteering and working with many international students in the past 10 years.

There is no longer one set path to live your life. Failures and challenges will happen more frequently. Expectations will not always be met. Changes will come more abruptly and adapting is a skill we must learn, fast. But that’s the exciting part. Looking back at my life, I guess I did the most learning after my formal education ended.

In fact, reflecting upon these lessons made me realise that there is still much to learn.

As for now, I’m going to cheat and end with one last life lesson from Luke Sayers, something that we can all think about as we plan our resolutions for a new year…

“The beginning is the hardest part but also it is also the most exciting part with the most potential.”