I am definitely not a traveller. I don’t like walking. I hate the plane. I have an impressive track record of being sick during travel. And I get home sick quicker than you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (this one is an exaggeration but you get what I mean).

In saying that, I have travelled to many countries. And recently, I visited my sister in London and travelled around the EU also. In fact, I’ve just returned back to Melbourne yesterday!

When it comes to London, my favourite bit is the Sunday market. My sister used to stay just opposite Brick Lane – and that has to be my favourite thing to do in London on a Sunday afternoon. I love the art market, the vintage goods offered, the street food and the little lanes filled with graffiti.

Everyone is a different traveller. And each person takes a different travel photography also. I personally love street photography. I love finding things that seem ordinary but would look great on camera. I love taking random secret shots of people in their natural habitats. I love photographing weird objects or signs. To me, all those represent the places that I go to.

And London is filled with many gorgeous street signs and graffiti and objects and things. I love photographing London. Here are some of the images I took this time around (edited with Instagram):

Have you been to London? What’s your favourite bit? Where’s your favourite spot?