“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

– Mark Twain

I love quotes. I love quotes so much that every time I see a good quote, I just have to post them somewhere. My Facebook walls are filled with them (well, my FB is filled with many other things too.) I RT-ed them often on Twitter. My largest collection on Pinterest is my Quotes & Words board.

So since I love quotes so much, I thought I should start the year reminding myself of who I want to become, what I want to achieve and where I am in life right now…

As you can tell, this year, I am hoping to really start doing what I’ve been dreaming of and holding off for so long (I’m talking about years here.) If I fail, I still would’ve enjoyed it. If I get bored, at least I know I’ve tried it.

And one last quote…

I’ll leave you with this particular quote by Frederick Terral:

“You may not be a Picasso or Mozart but you don’t have to be. Just create to create. Create to remind yourself you’re still alive. Make stuff to inspire others to make something too. Create to learn a bit more about yourself.”

– Frederick Terral

Now, your turn. Choose a quote (here or elsewhere) that you want to live by for this year! Get inspired.