One of the things I enjoy doing at the end of the year is to devour every top-whatever of 2012 stories and lists that I can find. I find it exciting to know that we have gone through so much in just one year.

Especially when it comes to news and big stories. I love watching the final episode of Big Brother (yes, it always goes back to reality TV, doesn’t it?) where they compile news pieces from the past three months. “What?! All that happened in a span of three short months?!” I love making myself react that way.

So this year is no different. But instead of compiling my own list from all over the web, I think YouTube has done a great job in compiling the top videos that made headlines this year. So let’s just go with YouTube’s review of 2012:

Apart from what’s been going on in the world this year, let’s also look at something a little more personal. I love looking back in the year and recapping some of my favourite moments.

My top 5 favourite moments of 2012

  1. I got married. ‘Nuff said. I’ve posted more about it in my previous post.
  2. Honeymoon in Japan. Best holiday destination ever. We love it so much, we want to do another trip there – this time for at least a month! The people – nice and friendly, the fashion – bizarrely quirky, the places and food – simply divine.
  3. Easter Camp. Another year, another Easter Camp. Love seeing so many people worship and play and have fun together.
  4. Trip to Europe. So we went to Europe for my cousin’s wedding and did a bit of a detour around the place with my family. Highlight would have to be watching Manchester United play in Old Trafford (PS: The Thomas Cook package is awesome!)
  5. Christmas with ISMers. This year’s Christmas was a whole lot of fun. We basically played to our heart’s content. Lots of love and some pressies and plenty of food and heaps of games. From Poker to Mafia to board games to hide and seek to charades. I’ll have the lot please.

I’m sure there were many more in between. I specifically feel that this year is so different from any other year because it is not those big moments that define the year, it is the little moments. Maybe sharing my life with my best friend and the love of my life just makes every single day so special…


I think this review from Facebook says it all.

What are some of your own personal highlights from 2012? Share them below.