Japan Tokyo Cherry Blossom

The hubby and I have booked our flights for Japan at the end of this year. It’s like our second honeymoon, the first being last year after our March wedding… also in Japan. Yes, our first trip really turned us into some really scary Japanophiles. We even thought of the idea of moving there for a year. But when I moved to a new job that I actually love (and plus the hubby’s sensible self decided that it would be way too expensive) we knew “Japan for one year” wasn’t going to happen. So we settled for “Japan for one month” instead. Well, almost one month.

So we’ve been researching. No, wait, let me start again. So *I* have been researching all things Japan for the past couple of months, even before the flights were booked. And it’s really the only thing that keeps me going when I’m having my PMS and I refuse to do anything at all. A cure for PMS = #winning.

Erm, yeah, this blog post is just to brag and tell you that I’ll be going to Japan actually. That is all.

Oh, and I realise blogs about Japan really help me with my trip planning so far. So I want to do the same so that other people can hopefully benefit from our first trip to Japan. If I can be bothered, I shall start blogging about our honeymoon trip to Japan last year. I know I know, long overdue, but better now than never right? I’ve got all the photos to show too, so yup.

Have you been to Japan? Where are your favourite places to visit? Share please…